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Angular Pipes


Built-in Pipes

  • number
  • currency
  • percent
  • date
  • uppercase
  • lowercase
  • titlecase
  • json
  • slice: selects items from an array or characters from a string. <tr *paFor="let item of getProducts() | slice:0:(itemCount ?? 1); let i = index; let odd = odd;>
  • keyvalue: transforms an object or map into a series of key-value pairs
  • i18nSelect: selects a text value to display for a set of values
  • i18nPlural: selects a pluralized string for a value

Currency and Number Pipe

<!-- Format as US dollars  -->
{{item.price | currency:"USD":"symbol"}}

<!-- {{item.price | currency:"USD":"symbol":"2.2-2"}} -->

<!-- <minIntegerDigits>.<minFactionDigits>-<maxFractionDigits> -->
{{item.price | number:"3.2-2"}} e.g. 048.87
  • minIntegerDigits: This value specifies the minimum number of digits. The default value is 1.
  • minFractionDigits: This value specifies the minimum number of fractional digits. The default value is 0.
  • maxFractionDigits: This value specifies the maximum number of fractional digits. The default value is 3.

number pipe is locale sensitive, so if using French, the above number will be 048,87

import {LOCALE_ID} from '@angular/core';
import localeFr from '@angular/common/locales/fr';
import {registerLocaleData} from '@angular/common';


  providers: [{provide: LOCALE_ID, useValue: 'fr-FR'}],
export class AppModule {}

You can override the application’s locale setting by specifying a locale as a configuration option for the pipe, like this:

{{item.price | number:"3.2-2":"en-US"}} e.g. 048.87

Date Pipe

dateObject: Date = new Date(2020, 1, 20);
dateString: string = '2020-02-20T00:00:00.000Z';
dateNumber: number = 1582156800000;
<div>Date formatted from object: {{ dateObject | date }}</div>
<div>Date formatted from string: {{ dateString | date }}</div>
<div>Date formatted from number: {{ dateNumber | date }}</div>
shortequivalent to the component string M/d/yy, h:mm a. It presents the date in a concise format, including the time component.
mediumequivalent to the component string MMM d, y, h:mm:ss a. It presents the date as a more expansive format, including the time component.
shortDateequivalent to the component string M/d/yy. It presents the date in a concise format and excludes the time component.
mediumDateequivalent to the component string MMM d, y. It presents the date in a more expansive format and excludes the time component.
longDateequivalent to the component string MMMM d, y. It presents the date and excludes the time component.
fullDateequivalent to the component string EEEE, MMMM d, y. It presents the date fully and excludes the date format.
shortTimeequivalent to the component string h:mm a.
mediumTimeequivalent to the component string h:mm:ss a.
<div>Date formatted from object: {{ dateObject | date:"shortDate" }}</div>
<div>Date formatted from string: {{ dateString | date:"mediumDate" }}</div>
<div>Date formatted from number: {{ dateNumber | date:"longDate" }}</div>

<div>Date formatted from object: {{ dateObject | date:"shortDate":"UTC":"fr-FR" }}</div>
<div>Date formatted from string: {{ dateString | date:"mediumDate":"UTC":"fr-FR" }}</div>
<div>Date formatted from number: {{ dateNumber | date:"longDate":"UTC":"fr-FR" }}</div>

i18nSelect Selecting Values đź‘Ź

The i18nSelect pipe selects a string based on a value, allowing context-sensitive values to be displayed to the user. The mapping between values and strings is defined as a simple map.

// component
selectMap = {Watersports: 'stay dry', Soccer: 'score goals', other: 'have fun'};

// in template
{{ item.category | i18nSelect:selectMap }}

i18nPlural Pluralizing Values

The i18nPlural pipe is used to select an expression that describes a numeric value.

numberMap = {
  '=1': 'one product',
  '=2': 'two products',
  other: '# products',
<div>There are {{ 1 | i18nPlural:numberMap }}</div>
<div>There are {{ 2 | i18nPlural:numberMap }}</div>
<div>There are {{ 100 | i18nPlural:numberMap }}</div>

In VMware, refer

Custom Pipes

Add tax Pipe:

import {Pipe} from '@angular/core';

@Pipe({name: 'addTax'})
export class PaAddTaxPipe {
  defaultRate: number = 10;

  transform(value: any, rate?: any): number {
    let valueNumber = Number.parseFloat(value);
    let rateNumber = rate == undefined ? this.defaultRate : Number.parseInt(rate);
    return valueNumber + valueNumber * (rateNumber / 100);
<select class="form-select" [value]="taxRate || 0" (change)="taxRate=$any($event).target.value">
  <option value="0">None</option>
  <option value="10">10%</option>
  <option value="20">20%</option>
  <option value="50">50%</option>
<div>{{ item.price | addTax:(taxRate || 0) }}</div>

Combine Pipes

{{ item.price | addTax:(taxRate || 0) | currency:"USD":"symbol" }}

Creating Impure Pipes

Caution impure pipes should be used sparingly because angular has to call the transform method whenever there is any data change or user interaction in the application, just in case it might result in a different result from the pipe. if you do create an impure pipe, then keep it as simple as possible. performing complex operations, such as sorting an array, can devastate the performance of an angular application.

  name: 'filter',
+  pure: false,
export class PaCategoryFilterPipe {
  transform(products: Product[] | undefined, category: string | undefined): Product[] {
    if (products == undefined) {
      return [];
    return category == undefined ? products : products.filter((p) => p.category == category);

Inject Service in impure pipe

import {Injectable} from '@angular/core';
export class DiscountService {
  private discountValue: number = 10;
  public get discount(): number {
    return this.discountValue;

  public set discount(newValue: number) {
    this.discountValue = newValue || 0;

  public applyDiscount(price: number) {
    return Math.max(price - this.discountValue, 5);
import {Pipe} from '@angular/core';
import {DiscountService} from './discount.service';

@Pipe({name: 'discount', pure: false})
export class PaDiscountPipe {
  constructor(private discount: DiscountService) {}

  transform(price: number): number {

this feature should be used with caution because it means that the transform method will be called after every change in the application, not just when the service is changed.