
Angular polling

refresh data every X seconds

Angular Add New Item to List

add a new item to the list using scan. Client-side adding so server doesn't have to refresh the list

Angular error handling

Angular error handling

Angular GetSingle from Cache

Get Single API cached from get All API when navigating from list

Angular MessageErrorHandler

A custom message error handler

Angular baseHref

Angular baseHref

Angular ngDoCheck

IterableDiffer and ngDoCheck

Angular ngTemplateOutlet

Angular ngTemplateOutlet providing context data

Angular Validation

Angular Validation

Nextjs GetStaticProps

nextjs Incremental Static Regeneration

Next.js Add Custom Font

Next.js Add Custom Font

Aspect Ratio

how to maintain the aspect ratio of an element.

Vue3 v-model

Vue3 v-model snippet

React Hook Form

Basic react-hook-form snippet

React Firebase AuthProvider

React AuthProvider with github signin

Typescript template literal types

caveats for template literal types

Typescript mapped types

caveats for mapped types

Typescript conditional types and infer

caveats for conditional types and infer

Typescript Indexed Access Types

caveats for indexed access types

Typescript keyof

caveats for keyof

Typescript typeof and ReturnType

caveats for typeof and ReturnType