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Pipeline Architecture


Pipeline Architecture

a.k.a pipes and filters architecture. As soon as developers and architects decided to split functionality into discrete parts, this pattern followed. Most developers know this architecture as this underlying principle behind Unix terminal shell languages, such as Bash and Zsh.


The pipes and filters coordinate in a specific fashion, with pipes forming one-way communication between filters, usually in a point-to-point fashion.


Pipes in this architecture form the communication channel between filters. Each pipe is typically unidirectional and point-to-point (rather than broadcast) for performance reasons, accepting input from one source and always directing output to another. The payload carried on the pipes may be any data format, but architects favor smaller amounts of data to enable high performance.


Filters are self-contained, independent from other filters, and generally stateless. Filters should perform one task only. Composite tasks should be handled by a sequence of filters rather than a single one.

Four types of filters exist within this architecture style:

Producer :

The starting point of a process, outbound only, sometimes called the source.

Transformer :

Accepts input, optionally performs a transformation on some or all of the data, then forwards it to the outbound pipe. Functional advocates will recognize this feature as map.

Tester :

Accepts input, tests one or more criteria, then optionally produces output, based on the test. Functional programmers will recognize this as similar to reduce.

Consumer :

The termination point for the pipeline flow. Consumers sometimes persist the final result of the pipeline process to a database, or they may display the final results on a user interface screen.

The unidirectional nature and simplicity of each of the pipes and filters encourages compositional reuse. Many developers have discovered this ability using shells


Orchestrators and mediators such as Apache Camel utilize the pipeline architecture to pass information from one step in a business process to another.

Architecture Characteristics Ratings

  • Deployability : 2
  • Elasticity : 1
  • Evolutionary : 3
  • Fault tolerance : 1
  • Modularity : 3
  • Overall Cost : 5 (cheap)
  • Performance : 2
  • Reliability : 3
  • Scalability : 1
  • Simplicity : 5
  • Testability : 3

Overall cost and simplicity combined with modularity are the primary strengths of the pipeline architecture style. Being monolithic in nature, pipeline architectures don’t have the complexities associated with distributed architecture styles, are simple and easy to understand, and are relatively low cost to build and maintain. Architectural modularity is achieved through the separation of concerns between the various filter types and transformers. Any of these filters can be modified or replaced without impacting the other filters.

Deployability and testability, while only around average, rate slightly higher than the layered architecture due to the level of modularity achieved through filters. That said, this architecture style is still a monolith, and as such, ceremony, risk, frequency of deployment, and completion of testing still impact the pipeline architecture.

Like the layered architecture, overall reliability rates medium (three stars) in this architecture style, mostly due to the lack of network traffic, bandwidth, and latency found in most distributed architectures. We only gave it three stars for reliability because of the nature of the monolithic deployment of this architecture style in conjunction with testability and deployability issues (such as having to test the entire monolith and deploy the entire monolith for any given change).

Elasticity and scalability rate very low (one star) for the pipeline architecture, primarily due to monolithic deployments. Although it is possible to make certain functions within a monolith scale more than others, this effort usually requires very complex design techniques such as multithreading, internal messaging, and other parallel pro cessing practices, techniques this architecture isn’t well suited for. However, because the pipeline architecture is always a single system quantum due to the monolithic user interface, backend processing, and monolithic database, applications can only scale to a certain point based on the single architecture quantum.

Pipeline architectures don’t support fault tolerance due to monolithic deployments and the lack of architectural modularity. If one small part of a pipeline architecture causes an out-of-memory condition to occur, the entire application unit is impacted and crashes. Furthermore, overall availability is impacted due to the high mean time to recovery (MTTR) usually experienced by most monolithic applications, with startup times ranging anywhere from 2 minutes for smaller applications, up to 15 minutes or more for most large applications.


Chapter 11 of Fundamentals of Software Architecture (An Engineering Approach)