Combine streams series 2
Just in time vs Get it all
In the previous post, we talked about how to combine streams via forkJoin, combineLatest, withLatestFrom. In this post, we're going to focus on 2 approaches to handle data of the related data streams.
Get It All:
. The APIs call input parameters are independent, but their results are related. Good especially for small data set.// get suppliers in advance, selected products will map supplier accordingly suppliers$ = this.http.get<Supplier[]>(this.suppliersUrl).pipe(shareReplay(1), catchError(this.handleError)); selectedProductSuppliers$ = combineLatest([this.selectedProduct$, this.supplierService.suppliers$]).pipe( map(([selectedProduct, suppliers]) => suppliers.filter((supplier) => selectedProduct?.supplierIds?.includes(, ), );
Just in time:
. Only retrieves required data.supplierWithMergeMap$ = of(1, 5, 8).pipe( mergeMap((supplierId) => this.http.get<Supplier>(`${this.url}/${supplierId}`)), );
selectedProductSuppliers$ = this.selectedProduct$.pipe( switchMap((product) => from(product.supplierIds).pipe( mergeMap((supplierId) => this.http.get<Supplier>(`${this.url}/${supplierId}`)), toArray(), // Merge the emissions into a single array for display ), ), );
An easier way:
// search suppliers just in time for the selected product selectedProductSuppliers$ = this.selectedProduct$.pipe( switchMap((product) => forkJoin( => this.http.get<Supplier>(`${this.suppliersUrl}/${supplierId}`))), ), );
vm to combine streams
// <div *ngIf="vm$ | async as vm">
vm$ = combineLatest([this.product$, this.productSuppliers$, this.pageTitle$]).pipe(
map(([product, productSuppliers, pageTitle]) => ({product, productSuppliers, pageTitle})),