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Typescript Generics


Generic Types

The type of generic functions is just like those of non-generic functions, with the type parameters listed first, similarly to function declarations:

function identity<Type>(arg: Type): Type {
  return arg;

let myIdentity: <Type>(arg: Type) => Type = identity;

We could also have used a different name for the generic type parameter in the type, so long as the number of type variables and how the type variables are used line up.

function identity<Type>(arg: Type): Type {
  return arg;

let myIdentity: <Input>(arg: Input) => Input = identity;

⚡️ We can also write the generic type as a call signature of an object literal type:

function identity<Type>(arg: Type): Type {
  return arg;

let myIdentity: {<Type>(arg: Type): Type} = identity;

Which leads us to writing our first generic interface. Let’s take the object literal from the previous example and move it to an interface:

interface GenericIdentityFn {
  <Type>(arg: Type): Type;

function identity<Type>(arg: Type): Type {
  return arg;

let myIdentity: GenericIdentityFn = identity;

In a similar example, we may want to move the generic parameter to be a parameter of the whole interface. This lets us see what type(s) we’re generic over (e.g. Dictionary<string> rather than just Dictionary). This makes the type parameter visible to all the other members of the interface.

interface GenericIdentityFn<Type> {
  (arg: Type): Type;

function identity<Type>(arg: Type): Type {
  return arg;

let myIdentity: GenericIdentityFn<number> = identity;

Using Type Parameters in Generic Constraints

You can declare a type parameter that is constrained by another type parameter. For example, here we’d like to get a property from an object given its name. We’d like to ensure that we’re not accidentally grabbing a property that does not exist on the obj, so we’ll place a constraint between the two types:

function getProperty<Type, Key extends keyof Type>(obj: Type, key: Key) {
  return obj[key];

let x = {a: 1, b: 2, c: 3, d: 4};


function getProperty<Type>(obj: Type, key: keyof Type) {
  return obj[key];


Typescript official generics documentation